RS232 Data Logger is an application used to register all the traffic incoming through a serial port (i.e. bar-code devices, mouses, serial printers, etc). It allows you to monitor multiple serial ports at the same time, and the data is stored in an easy-to-read text file, for its later analysis and processing.
The program's interface is fairly simple, it has only one single window in which you have to select the COM ports to log, the output file for each port and the proper serial port options, such as Baudrate, number of Data bits, Parity bit, number of Stop bits and data flow control which can be hardware, Xon/Xoff or none.
To start logging just click on the "Start Logging" button after selecting a COM port and the traffic statistics will be updated in real-time on the panel shown below the serial port options.
One common mistake is to try to log a serial port that has already been opened, this software is not a sniffer and therefore you cannot log traffic passing through an already opened interface (i.e. from a serial device to a program), this software is used for debugging and protocol analysis purposes only.
Esta aplicación le permite controlar el flujo de datos a través de un equipo COM puertos.
It inputs RS232 data directly into file, Excel, Access, or any application.